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The Electoral Act 1992, County Of Clare, Revision Of Voters List 2021, Revision Court 2020

3 December 2020

Notice is hereby given that a Revision Court will be held by me as County Registrar for the County of Clare for the purpose of hearing any claims, objections for the revision and amendment of the Lists of Voters for the County of Clare at The Courthouse, Lifford, Ennis, County Clare on Wednesday, the 16th December 2020 at 2:30 pm in respect of voting legislated for by the Oireachtas.

Please note that it will not be necessary for Claimants to appear at this Revision Court in light of Covid 19 restrictions. Any Claimant should write to the Register of Electors, Clare County Council at New Road, Ennis,County Clare in respect of any claim he or she wishes to make. Any Claimant should submit an application form which can be obtained from their website or 

Please further note that any person claiming to be entitled to vote for the first time by reason of his/her having attained 18 years of age or who will attain this age or before the 15th February, 2021 will be required to produce to the Court a Certificate of his/her Birth.


Patrick Wallace

County Registrar

The Courthouse


County Clare

Page last updated: 03/12/20

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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